UC Soccer on Fire!

September 14, 2023 Hannah Conley 0

The sun radiated onto Patterson Field last Wednesday night, a beautiful environment for men’s soccer as they took on the Immaculata Mighty Macs. The weather

That’s the Game!

April 18, 2023 Jenna Smith 0

Ava Compagnoni avcompagnoni@ursinus.edu Spring of senior year, a time to be reflective, grateful, and having the time of your life! As I look back on

Let Them Place Bets

April 18, 2023 Jenna Smith 0

Gavin Range garange@ursinus.edu “Gambling is not a vice; it is a expression of our humanness. We gamble. Some do it at the gaming table; some

No Crew Team? Why?

April 18, 2023 Jenna Smith 0

Quadai Brown: qubrown@ursinus.edu For the longest time, me and, well mostly me, wondered about the lack of a crew team here at Ursinus. We have