With many new and exciting things on campus it is important to remember Ursinus’s staples, such as the Bear Share program. The Bear Share program has undergone some exciting changes this year and is back and better than ever! Bear Share is a long-standing part of Ursinus’s efforts to reduce the amount of waste on campus, as well as to offer an affordable way for students to get free and lightly used items. The first Bear Share event of this year happened on Friday, October 25th. Many students were able to take items they were looking for.
The Bear Share team wants to remind everyone that because they are always accepting new donations, students should come by more often! Additionally, Bear Share has more than just clothes. The program takes anything from books, clothes, and dorm supplies that are still in good condition. Bear Share is always looking for donations at their space in the Lower Level of the Myrin Library during their donation hours: Tuesdays from 5:00-6:30pm, Wednesdays from 5:00-6:30pm, or Fridays from 1:30-3:00pm.
Every year before school ends for the summer, Bear Share conducts the Sustainable Move-out program, which typically lasts for five days in an outdoor tent. They collect unwanted and unneeded items that other students may be able to use. Kate Keppen happily explained to me how Sustainable Moveout works. In an email she states: “This program was started about 15 years ago by faculty and students who would literally walk by the dumpsters and would see that they were full of items in good condition. Oftentimes students can find a friend who will take that unwanted minifridge or lamp, but not always. This cycle would happen every year when the academic year ended and not only was this letting valuable, usable items go to waste, but the college incurs costs via the number of dumpsters we use and the weight of our waste stream. Sustainable Move-out was created to keep those good items out of the waste stream, but what ended up happening was something far greater than I think anyone anticipated – people really valued having items come from their peers. It was a way for the community to pass on items to each other. A community of faculty, staff, and students would be built over those 5 days that we would have that tent up. So, having a space for this to happen on a year round basis is really great for sustainability efforts and the student experience.”
Overall, Bear Share is a way for students to participate in creating a more environmentally friendly Ursinus, and reduce waste while still being conscious of the cost involved in doing so. The Bear Share team also encourages people to volunteer if they are able and states that they will have volunteer opportunities posted soon to the website. But in the meantime, those interested can reach out to bearshare@ursinus. edu. There will be other special events throughout the academic year that the team encourages you to look out for, including a repair café in the spring semester. So please head over to the library to pay Bear Share a visit. Maybe you’ll even leave with your new favorite article of clothing!