Inside the Layout Room

You’ve seen us around… you’ve read the papers… but what goes on behind the scenes? This week, we are giving you a little peek into the editing room, and hearing from the people inside!

Q: Favorite part of The Grizzly?
A: My favorite part is coming up with fun article topics that will both be of interest to students and educational, but also something people might laugh at and appreciate reading.
-Renee Washart ‘26 News Editor
A: The people I get to work with
 -Georgia Gardner ‘25 Photo Editor

Q: Any drawbacks?
A: Lack of student engagement with the paper
   -Georgia Gardner ‘25 Photo Editor

Q: Favorite Memory?
A: My favorite memory was the first article I had ever written for The Grizzly. It was published on October 3, 2022, and was titled “A Bear Worth Knowing: Laura Cunningham.” It was my Sophomore year, and I was the Opinions Editor at the time. I was petrified of writing an article because I thought that there was no way that my writing would be good enough to be published and I thought surely I would be embarrassed. I finally worked up the courage to write this article, and Doron left a comment on the article that said: “this is REALLY well done. Kate has been holding out on us.” I honestly think that I can pinpoint this moment, that comment, as one of the reasons that I have gained so much confidence in myself, as both a journalist and as a person willing to take risks.”
 -Kate Horan ‘25 Editor-In-Chief

Q: Favorite articles you’ve written or edited? Favorite photos you’ve taken?
A: My favorite articles to write and edit were the ones in the Halloween edition!
-Renee Washart ‘26 News Editor
A: Favorite photo I’ve taken for The Grizzly are any of the sports ones I’ve done because they aren’t my usual style so it’s fun and shakes things up!
   -Georgia Gardner ‘25 Photo Editor

Q: How did you get started?
A: The EIC last year recruited me to write an article for The Grizzly in the spring and I completely fell in love with writing for The Grizzly and wanted to continue doing so!
 -Renee Washart ‘26 News Editor
A: I was going into my junior year and wanted to be more involved in college and I emailed Doron asking if they needed anyone to take photos and after a quick interview, I was the Photo Editor.
 -Georgia Gardner ‘25 Photo Editor