Amelia Kunko amkunko@ursinus.edu
Junior Dora Zeibekis not only has a jampacked schedule full of schoolwork and activities, but has also turned her academic experience into a business. As a biology and Spanish double major, Bonner Leader, biology TA, member of the Ursinus women’s investment fund, and academic coach, Zeibekis already has a lot on her plate. Now throw in a study-gram-turned-business, known as @coffee-studi on Instagram.
Zeibekis’ studygram was born out of her own academic obstacles and her desire to improve herself academically. “In 2020 I started looking up ways to do better in school and I discovered a lot of tips online that helped me,” says Zeibekis. “I thought that I would share what I learned with the world and so I started my blog on Instagram!” Her Instagram grew quickly, and with nearly 125k followers, her academic tips have reached students from all across the world. “Flash forward two years later, I would have never imagined that it would become so big,” she says. “I love how I can help students from all around the world!”
In addition to providing school-related information and tips on her Instagram, Zeibekis now offers academic services outside of her studygram. “Just this year, I started offering personalized academic coaching lessons online and I have really specialized in what I can help students with,” she says. “My main three services are teaching study tips, time management, and aspects of wellness to students.” Her goal is to support students and help them gain a sense of control over their academic journey. “I do this in hopes that students can have more autonomy, success, and feel more inspired even if they are struggling.”
Her pursuit of providing academic help to others has helped her to learn about the different aspects of business. “In terms of my business I have really learned how to work with brand partners and make more connections with others who want to collaborate,” she says. “I’m hoping in the next few months I can find more ways to expand my income revenues in creative and fun ways on my platform.” In addition to gaining business experience, Zeibekis has connected with students from all over the world. Zeibekis has had the chance to work with students from numerous countries, from China to Spain to Cuba. “Because of this, I feel pretty comfortable working with all different kinds of students and feel confident in helping them,” she says.
The success of her studygram has opened up new career possibilities for Zeibekis. “I came into college wanting to go to medical school, but now that I have found something that I both love and am really good at, I want to slowly develop this into a private business,” she says. “After college, I will likely apply for a job in the research or pharmaceutical world, and will put most of my free time into my passion for helping students.” Her college experience has also fostered an interest in teaching. “Down the line, I think it would be wonderful to work as a professor at a college teaching biology or help guide professionals in career development,” she says. But for now, Zeibekis is living in the moment and enjoying her remaining time at Ursinus. “…right now, I’m really excited about my last two semesters at Ursinus where I might be doing more research. I’m planning on graduating a semester early, so traveling with my friends is also something that would be wonderful to look forward to.”
Zeibekis hopes to convey a realistic college experience to her online audience, not a perfect one. “That’s why I focus on posting content online that reflects my college experience and shows both the good and the bad days,” she says. Although she received some criticism when her studygram began, Zeibekis has continued her work of providing accessible academic resources and information to students online. “I am so glad I listened to my heart because I can’t imagine my life without this passion of mine,” she concludes.
If you would like to keep up with Zeibekis online, access her academic tips and resources, and check out her great coffee content, be sure to follow her on Instagram at @coffeestudi. If you are looking to book an academic coaching or tutoring appointment with Zeibekis, make sure to visit the link in her Instagram bio.