Article by Michael Nieves-Hoblin <minieveshoblin@ursinus.edu>
In 2024, students can expect a few new majors on campus. These new majors are designed to help guide students into new areas of concentration and provide them with new opportunities.
The Business and Economics department is offering a new Finance major. According to the Ursinus website, “The major in finance prepares students for investment management, corporate financial management, banking, and graduate study in finance as well as careers in business analytics and market research.” Now there are three majors within the department: Applied Economics, Finance, and Economics.
The math department added a Statistics major and minor as well.
For the aspiring writer, the English department is now offering a highly anticipated major in Creative Writing. In a statement from the English Department, Professor Jon Volkmer stated, “[the major] will be aimed at making young writers market savvy, the course will cover topics such as how to identify markets and how to submit work. It will cover the business side of things that students really want to know, and it will help them navigate the very difficult world of publication and the process of trying to find your way as a writer.” The English major is already one of Ursinus’s largest and the addition of Creative Writing will further expand the directions students can explore.
As Ursinus College embraces these new majors, students can look forward to a more comprehensive and diversified educational experience, preparing them for a broader array of career paths and further enriching the vibrant academic community on campus.