Ava Compagnoni (avcompagnoni@ursinus.edu)
The COVID-19 pandemic has temporarily halted many of the extracurricular activities and organizations at Ursinus College. Greek Life faced this threat as well, and could have gone a year without New Member Education and induction. Luckily, Ursinus’ fraternities and sororities were able to do so last fall through COVID-friendly education.
Founded in 1907, Phi Alpha Psi (PAP) is the first, and currently the oldest, local sorority at Ursinus. For the 2020-2021 academic year, there are 44 current active members and over 850 alumnae. The sisters of PAP continue to support and help each other long past graduation and enjoy coming back to campus. The purpose of PAP is to promote and maintain a friendly and cooperative spirit of sisterhood within the organization, the campus, and the surrounding community. The PAP sisters uphold the standards of personality, ambition, loyalty and scholarship (their motto since 1907). This is achieved through campus activities, on and off-campus community services, and maintaining high academic standards.
Alyssa Lawson ’23, a new member of Phi Alpha Psi, says that Greek Life was always in the cards for her during her college career. “I always considered Greek life because I wanted to be part of a group, especially at Ursinus because I was not a part of a sports team. Once I met the girls in Phi [Alpha] Psi, I knew I wanted to join, they were so welcoming, energetic and fun, I knew I would make lots of memories,” Lawson said. PAP is welcoming to all young women who want to have a second family here at Ursinus. The sisters have a large variety of majors, interests, sports, personalities, and extracurriculars.
New Member Education for all Greek Life took place in October 2020, and the 44 Phi Alpha Psi pupils grew close with both their class and new sisters. “New Member Education taught me the history of the sorority and their values, as well as [how to] connect with alumni, which was a really cool experience. Being a sister in Phi [Alpha] Psi has made my college experience a lot more special because I get to be a member of one of the oldest organizations at UC,” Lawson stated.
Phi Alpha Psi has an impressive senior executive board for the 2020-2021 academic year: President Emma Kramer, Vice President Paige DeAlba, Treasurer Aliyah Stephens, Secretary Hannah Reape, and New Member Educators Ellie Templeton and Claire Vance. These young women have shown excellent leadership skills in guiding the new PAP members through the pandemic with positive attitudes and flexibility to keep the sisterhood thriving when the sisters cannot be together. VP DeAlba has created lasting memories with her sisters in the Hobson residency. “Holding the position of Vice President of Phi Alpha Psi is one of my most honorable achievements. I am truly so thankful for the relationships I have made in this sorority because I know they will last a lifetime,” DeAlba said.
Phi Alpha Psi continues to grow in sisterhood and goals from when they were founded. The PAP sisters are hopeful to see many new faces at recruitment fall 2021. Go Phi Psi!