Ranking Dining Options on Campus

Photo Credit: Ursinus Dining Website

This should be fun. I am not going to waste time, so I will go directly to the disclaimers.

First, this ranking is my personal opinion. Second, no criticism is aimed at the workers; all of them are great and I appreciate them greatly. This is a list based on value, convenience, and personal preference. The order goes in ascending order. Without further ado, into the list.

C Tier: Blendid Smoothies, Bear Necessities

These two are at the bottom, though one is definitely below the other. The Blendid Smoothie machine is new this year, but I still question the investment into it. I understand that the workload of the Fresh Fix workers could be reduced and the wait times could be long. While it is true you had to wait a bit for the smoothies last year, they were also vastly better than Blendid’s this year. Additionally, Blendid’s smoothies are not exactly quick to make, in addition to being pricey and having a chalky taste.

Ashley Adam, a fellow writer for the Grizzly, wrote an opinion piece titled “Bear-Bones” (available to view on The Grizzly’s website) where she detailed some common problems with the new Bear Necessities Convenience store; I recommend reading that. In short, my issues with the store stem from its inconsistent stocking and its expensive prices. The long hours are a bonus, but it is underwhelming even as a store to use in a pinch.

B Tier: Pacific Harbor, Cafe 2020

Pacific Harbor isn’t bad; none of these are. However, it sometimes feels like an afterthought. The sushi options are excellent, and the ability to use meal swipes for them is great. However, its other options are a bit overshadowed by the Wok section in Upper Wismer. The Wok section already has Americanized Chinese food that rotates, and, considering how valuable meal swipes are, it can be more efficient to go there for food other than sushi.

Ah, Cafe 2020, what happened to you? Another Grizzly writer, Claudia Tracy, wrote a great article last week about Grubhub, focusing on Cafe 2020 (again, viewable on The Grizzly’s website). For all the perks of Grubhub, I believe the shift to mobile ordering has affected Cafe 2020 negatively. The wait times are longer and it is harder for the employees to handle the influx of orders. The food there is good, but the value isn’t great; a meal swipe for a donut is criminal.

A Tier: Upper Wismer, Firehouse Grill, Cinco Cantina

Firehouse Grill is a consistent solid option. It gets points for being the only Lower Wismer option available on the weekend. It has good food, a manageable wait time, and solid options.

Upper Wismer’s main strength is its versatility. While the options may be hit or miss some days, it has the most offerings on campus. The Bravo station is a standout and has a consistent pasta offering. I do not think it has the best food at any time, other than special occasions like the Thanksgiving meal (which they outdid themselves for), but it is always edible.

Cinco Cantina has a great offering of meal swipe options and the food is quite nice. It is consistently above average and offers tacos. A minor grievance, though, is the extra charge on the guacamole.

S Tier: Fresh Fix

Fresh Fix has it all. It closes relatively early, but it is by far the best brunch option on campus. The food tastes fresh (see what I did there), the options are vast, and the wait time is manageable. The value for each meal swipe feels meaningful as well. Overall, it is the best option on campus when it is open.