Article by Kathy Logan <kalogan@ursinus.edu>
The 2024 Ursinus senior class received a pleasant surprise on October 23rd when a group of senior students from student government sent out a flyer sponsoring a “Halloween Senior Event” on Halloween night at the local bar, the Trappe. With only 100 spots available, seniors rushed to Venmo the school for the fee so their names could be on the list. Not long after the flyer was sent out, the spots were quickly filled.
After the event took place, one student who helped plan the event, plus a couple of partygoers, were asked about their experience at this bar event. Max Moore, who was dressed as Jake from State Farm, reported, “The whole event had a great vibe. Not only was it at a bar my friends and I frequent, but the staff had great food and drinks for us to enjoy.” Another partygoer, Senior Holly Stang, who was dressed as a doll, stated, “I really enjoyed the event! It was a great opportunity to celebrate Halloween with my friends off campus and it was also great to go to the Trappe for the first time!” A third student named Becky, who was dressed as a vampire, said “I really hope the senior class can do more events like this in the future! Tonight really brought me and other classmates together to socialize and have fun outside of school!” Overall, it seems as though the Halloween event was turning out to be a success.
A senior on the planning team was interviewed to get more information about the Halloween event and the organization that went into it. A member of this team, Brenna Snively, the senior class treasurer, explained, “I helped to put together logistics such as the date and time, coordinated with other seniors to figure out logistics of the bus and the Trappe. I also helped to formulate emails and advertisements for the event and helped with check-in.” Asked about any obstacles she and her team faced when planning the event, she responded, “The only obstacle we faced was with the timeline. Halloween came up so fast and we thought that we would have a lot more time to plan but it came down to the wire.” Despite these obstacles, Brenna reported that she and the other students involved in student government consider the event a success! She explained, “After a freshman year that was far from normal due to COVID-19, it was really nice to see our class finally be able to do something together to celebrate and have fun and get to know each other better even if it is towards the end of our time here at Ursinus.” When asked about the future of such events, Brenna commented, “We are hoping to plan more events like this in the future to keep up with the traditions of past senior classes.” Luckily for Brenna and the students she worked with, students seem more than happy to partake in another senior event!