Last semester, the 2024 Ursinus seniors were surprised when student government planned a “Halloween Senior Event” on Halloween night at the local bar, the Trappe. With only 100 spots available at the party, spots were quickly filled for the event. To no one’s surprise, the event was a hit! A plethora of students gave positive feedback on the event and each one expressed hope that the students who planned the Halloween event would plan another one. Luckily for the senior class, the students from the student government wouldn’t stop at Halloween!
The senior class was pleased to find an email sponsoring another senior-only event at the Trappe. This event would be celebrating “100 Days to Graduation” as the event would take place exactly 100 days before the ceremony. This time, the event would allow more people as now 125 seniors could sign up for the event ensuring more seniors get a chance to enjoy the party. Once again, the spots were filled and the senior class was ecstatic for the party.
The senior event was once again a hit as seniors were provided with both drinks and food that the Trappe provided. But was it as good as Halloween? To find out, a couple of seniors were interviewed about how they felt about the event.“I definitely enjoyed it, I think the Trappe is a great choice for these events,” said senior Kevin Melton. “ It just wouldn’t feel the same anywhere else and I think that’s what makes it so fun.”
Another senior, Lauren Nolan, also had a similar response: “The event was fun! I enjoyed it overall just because I got to hang out with my friends off-campus and get drinks with them.”
However, when asking other seniors about the event, some expressed a few issues they had with the party. “I think it was frustrating to pay the same price as the last Trappe event, but for less drinks. The drinks were also very weak and 90% ice, so it still didn’t feel worth it,” one senior said. “ In addition, the event felt pretty short – I think 11:30/12 is a tad early for a bar event to end.”
Another senior also had the same opinion “I kind of enjoyed the event. However, I felt that the Halloween event was much better because we paid the same amount for fewer tickets at the Senior event.” This same senior went on to say, “It would be nice to receive the same amount of tickets as before and have a better seating arrangement that fits all students.”
Despite these complaints with the Halloween event, the seniors still appreciate that Ursinus will host events like this for them. Lauren Nolen encourages more senior events for her class. “I like that there are senior events because it feels like our last hoo-rah and last few months to all be together.” she said. “I think once it gets nicer out in the Spring there’s a lot of opportunity for fun events or just planning more socializing events. Nothing too expensive though to be inclusive!”
It seems like Ursinus will keep having success with the senior events as the seniors will not tire of them. Hopefully, the Senior class will have an event other than graduation to look forward to in the Spring!