Women In Technology and Science Club

Photographer: Hannah Teitelman

     This semester, Ursinus is welcoming a new club called Women in Technology and Science!

     President of WiTS, Morgan McCracken ‘25, explains that this club is a place for students in science and technology-related majors to relax and feel comfortable. It can be very difficult, stressful and time consuming to be a woman in a science or technology-related major. Especially because these fields tend to be male-dominated, women having a space where they can unwind and bond over their shared love of science is great for our Ursinus community’s growth.

     Women grouping and meeting together can help them feel less alone while pursuing such difficult fields. McCracken intends for this club to help empower women to stay strong and push on in their studies as well as to help them relax and take a breather from them.

     WiTS only meets once or twice a month, but they have many promising events planned that are worth looking to attend. This fall semester you can look forward to a science-related coloring night, as well as some different related game nights. The science-related game nights may be Kahoots, bingo, and trivia. McCracken also mentioned that this club is open to women in all sorts of majors, not just the typical Biology, Chemistry, and Physics majors.

     The invitation to this club is open to students who may just be minoring in science fields. Ursinus has a large variety of programs for women who want to study in science or technology. These include Psychology, Neuroscience, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Health, Environmental Science, Health Science, Marine Science, Public Health, and Computer Science. McCracken and WiTS’ executive board welcome you to join and feel accepted and included. McCracken, the founder of the club, has three other people on the Women in Technology and Science Club’s executive board to help her plan and execute some amazing events. President Morgan McCracken, a Biology major and Psychology minor, is joined by three others: Vice President Madison Smith ‘25, Secretary Jess Sokolski ‘25, and Treasurer Hayley Kane ‘25. Keep your eyes out for the next WiTS meeting!