Article by Kate Horan <kahoran@ursinus.edu>
According to their Instagram page, @ursinus.film.club, Ursinus’ Film Club is “a collective student effort to appreciate the art of film via both viewing and making.” Almost every Friday the student body receives an email from Ursinus’ Film Club, inviting students to meet in Olin 107 at 8:30pm to view a film.
While the Film Club organizes these weekly viewings, their Instagram also says that they are dedicated to the making of films. Ursinus’ Film Club is currently hard at work on a new project: a documentary.
“The documentary is generally about student life on campus, but there are a few experimental and absurdist twists going into the project. It will encapsulate different genres and styles while falling all back onto the documentary aspect of it,” said Danny McGrath ’26, Film Club President. Film Club’s goal in creating this documentary is to demonstrate how, even on the topic of school, these students can be creative and have fun with their work. In making this documentary, Film Club’s process is very laid back and casual. They “try not to stress too much about convention or technicalities, so it remains fun for everyone involved,” states McGrath.
In the Spring 2023 semester, Film Club was trying to decide upon a creative project. Members of the club threw around a variety of ideas. Their Vice President, Catherine Stump ’26, pitched the idea of a mockumentary, something like the show “The Office.” McGrath loves “experimental and absurdist types of film,” so they came up with this documentary “that is an amalgamation of these ideas.”
Film Club’s poster advertising the making of this documentary describes the questions that they ask interviewees as ranging from “awesome to epic.” Interviewees are asked general questions about Ursinus student life, such as about classes, residence life, dining, etc. However, there are also some miscellaneous questions that add to the fun of the project. McGrath discloses that “a recurring question across the interviews has been, ‘What are your thoughts on goats?’” These interviews are less than 10 minutes, and anyone is welcome and their participation is greatly appreciated.
For anyone that is interested in participating in Film Club’s documentary, they welcome any and all ideas. “We want to embrace absurdity and silliness, while also remaining true to the hearts of the students. We value creativity,” said McGrath. Film Club emphasizes that they can always use more hands on the production side of this project or any of their projects.
If you have any interest or questions, contact filmclub@ursinus.edu or @ursinus.film.club on Instagram. Additionally, you can inquire about the documentary after Film Club’s Friday events.