Q: Hey Grizzly, I really miss being on campus and participating in all of the activities. Are there any activities available to those who are remote? Where can I look to find them?
A: I’m studying remotely and miss campus dearly, too. But it is possible to remain connected and still feel fulfilled: I’m proof.
It is in your best interest to get involved with clubs or organizations that are of interest to you. If you deeply care about something, you are more likely to show up and put your best foot forward.
Ursinus faculty and staff defend the den. They want to see students succeed so of course they offer activities for those unable to live on campus this semester. To find them, check emails like you check social media. Remote students are assigned to virtual communities with leaders that emulate Resident Advisors. These folks are there to support you [from a distance] and promote activities weekly as if you were physically present on campus. From time to time, community leaders also hold Zoom meetings explaining various ways to get involved.
As for now, get “beary” excited about the activities going on this semester.
If you have any further questions, call the student activities office, or reach out to your virtual leader.