The Ursinus Response to COVID-19
Julia Paiano, Ursinus has been recognized in the region for its aggressiveness in its COVID-19 approach—there was even an article written in The Philadelphia Inquirer that detailed our school’s COVID-19 strategy. Some of the school’s plans include classes being held in outdoor tents, to-go dining only (which was lifted...
Online learning versus in-tents perspective
Shelsea Deravil, Being physically back on campus has allowed many of us students to complete our college experience. It is quite a privilege because not too many colleges are handling COVID-19 like Ursinus College. The current state of Ursinus education, however, does give me mixed feelings. While some classes...
The Case for Pronouns
Liam Reilly A personal pronoun is a word that replaces an individual’s name in a sentence. It also reflects an individual’s identity. Those who are cisgender, a term meaning their gender matches their sex, often use pronouns that match the sex they were assigned at birth (he/him for males...
All Students Should Have the Same CIE Experience
Liam Reilly The Common Intellectual Experience, or CIE, is a required class for all freshmen. The course revolves around four central questions and utilizes a variety of ancient and modern texts. It is taught by professors in a variety of departments and is normally completed during the semester. However...
Productivity is a sham
Kevin Leon The sun goes up and down every day. This routine strings itself into weeks, which have now blurred into months. The last day of in-person classes was on March 6. The online-classroom that supplanted traditional college learning gave people more free time. No longer worried about having...
“Biden” My time? I’d rather not be
Daniel Walker This past month has seen the rapid ascendancy of Joe Biden to the top of the Democratic candidate heap, despite his initial poor showing in the first few national primaries. Biden knocked out all other centrist candidates for the 2020 presidential race, and even early favorite Bernie...
“The Circle Brazil” and demystifying the foreign
Jen Joseph There has been a growing uptick in xenophobia since the spread of the Coronavirus, as many of you have already experienced. This in turn has led to violence and hate crimes amongst those perceived as foreign, most notably Asian peoples. This problem is not new, but the...
The arts: a casualty to come?
Daniel Walker As John Maus once sang, “times is weird these days.” Weird is an understatement: for all of us except the most hermit-y of hermits, our daily lives and the sense of normalcy and routine that accompanies them have been upended in the wake of a global pandemic...
On Bloomberg and the boys in blue
Daniel Walker On February 29th, the first official month of the Democratic primary closed out with former Vice President and current bumbling coot Joe Biden netting an unexpected win in South Carolina. While some have found occasion to fret that this win might disrupt the forward momentum of left-leaning...