Spring Rush ’23

February 15, 2023 Jenna Smith 0

Isabel Wesman iswesman@ursinus.edu Ah, Spring. A time known for new beginnings, blooming flowers, vacations, and… rushing Greek life at Ursinus College? For the past twelve

Squatting > Reimert Lottery

March 28, 2022 Jenna Smith 0

Ava Compagnoni (avcompagnoni@ursinus.edu) Many current Ursinus students are unfamiliar with the practice of β€˜squatting,’ which used to be an important part of yearly housing selection.

Phi Psi Fundraiser Gets Messy

December 6, 2021 Jenna Smith 0

Brooke Hurley (brhurley2@ursinus.edu) Morgan Mason (momason@ursinus.edu) Amidst the bitter cold November weather, Ursinus’s very own local sorority, Phi Alpha Psi, held their annual philanthropy event,