UC Men’s Rugby is Back

November 30, 2021 Jenna Smith 0

Sean McGinley (semcginley@ursinus.edu) This spring will see the return of another Ursinus club sport, Men’s Rugby. The revival is a product of heavy interest amongst

Holiday Season on Campus

November 30, 2021 Jenna Smith 0

Brooke Hurley (brhurley2@ursinus.edu) The holidays are in full swing on this bustling campus. The ability to travel home and visit family mid-semester is an exciting

Meet Will McCoy

November 30, 2021 Jenna Smith 0

Cole Gannon (cogannon@ursinus.edu)    In  any college environment, students are faced with stressors left and right. Balancing class work, a social life, and extracurricular activities is

Mail Center Mishap

November 30, 2021 Jenna Smith 0

Ashley Webster (aswebster@ursinus.edu) On Friday October 29, 2021, the Ursinus College Mail Center sent out an email about deliveries made through third party services such

December Editor’s Letter

November 30, 2021 Jenna Smith 0

Dear Ursinus Family,  If I’m frank, I will not miss this semester. Leading a newspaper, balancing the demands of my course load, and learning In-Design

How Should We Eat Together?

November 30, 2021 Jenna Smith 0

Evan Stinson (evstinson@ursinus.edu) Every day most students step into Wismer’s Upper or Lower, to the buffet or the kiosks, without much thought. This is where