Everybody Dies

February 19, 2024 Adam Denn 0

Everybody dies, but in Everybody, the title character, Everybody dies. Based on the 15th-century morality play, Everyman, was brought to the 21st century while maintaining

Students’ Spotify Wrapped Lists

December 7, 2023 Kate Horan 0

Article by Kate Horan <kahoran@ursinus.edu> and Sean McGinley <semcginley@ursinus.edu> ________________________________________________________________________________ We asked students to record their top five artists according to this year’s Spotify Wrapped.

Escape Velocity: EVE

November 30, 2023 Sophia Kumar 0

The Escape Velocity Dance Company presents their fall show, EVE! They will have three performances: Friday, December 1st at 7pm and Saturday, December 2nd at