Employee Shortage at Cafe 2020

February 20, 2023 Jenna Smith 0

Quadai Brown qubrown@ursinus.edu & Chase Portaro chportaro@ursinus.edu Like many restaurants coming out of the pandemic, Ursinus’s Cafe 2020 has struggled to maintain a steady workforce–

Need Cash? Too Bad. . .

February 20, 2023 Jenna Smith 0

Chase Portaro chportaro@ursinus.edu Is Ursinus going cashless? Not exactly, but the removal of the school’s only ATM, previously located in Lower Wismer, might lead some

Spring Rush ’23

February 15, 2023 Jenna Smith 0

Isabel Wesman iswesman@ursinus.edu Ah, Spring. A time known for new beginnings, blooming flowers, vacations, and… rushing Greek life at Ursinus College? For the past twelve

February Editor’s Letter

February 7, 2023 Jenna Smith 0

Layla M. Halterman: lahalterman@ursinus.edu Dear Ursinus Family, I revere Valentine’s Day because it compels us to celebrate the love and affection around us. But grief