Erin Corcoran: ercorcoran@ursinus.edu
At The Grizzly, we are so grateful for the time, energy, and dedication each member of the team brings. The end of the semester means saying goodbye to four senior editors of the paper: Ashley Webster, Ava Compagnoni, Jenna Smith, and Julia Paiano.
Ashley Webster, a Media and Communications major, served as the copy editor for this year. This is her second year on The Grizzly staff, as last year she acted as the Opinions Editor. Her favorite Ursinus memory was the opportunity to study abroad in Dublin, Ireland during a semester of her senior year. She’s planning to travel around Europe for a month after graduation, and then hopes to pursue a career as an editor.
Jenna Smith, an English and Political Science double major, acted as the Online Editor this year. She has been writing for The Grizzly since her sophomore year in March 2021. She wants to thank her supportive professors, specifically Dr. Ann Karreth, Dr. Kara McShane, and Dr. Rebecca Evans, who “have truly changed my life and have been so inspirational and supportive during my time here.” Outside of The Grizzly, Jenna serves as an RA, a UCREW peer educator, Sigma Tau Delta member, and the VP of UC Democrats. After graduation, she hopes to work at an editing company, publishing company, or in a communications department.
Ava Compagnoni, an English and Media & Communications double major, served as the Sports Editor during the 2022-2023 school year. She started writing for The Grizzly the second semester of her freshman year and worked as the News Editor during her junior year. Ava recalls her first article as an article on men’s basketball and says ending her Grizzly career in the same place it started was “fun and rewarding.” In addition to her double major, Ava double minors in Management Studies and Creative Writing. The week after graduation, Ava is traveling across Europe for two months, writing as she goes and building a writing portfolio.
Julia Paiano, Media & Communications major and Studio Arts minor, served as a Photo Editor for the past two years. She started her Grizzly career as a sophomore staff writer. Julia will also miss the faculty members, including Dr. Lynne Edwards, Angela Upright, and Dr. Doron Taussig, as she is, “so thankful for the things each of them have taught me. I have grown in so many unexpected ways because of the faculty who have pushed me out of my comfort zone.” Throughout her time at Ursinus, Julia has been a part of a plethora of extracurriculars, including serving as Vice-President of Rotaract Club, Communications Chair for the Chapel Leaders, UCARE Service Fellow, J.A.M. With Us Podcast Host and Producer, and an Abele Scholar. In the fall, Julia will pursue her masters in Communications at Villanova on a full scholarship.