Alisa Zenchenko is the new president of Ursinus’ class of 2025. Meet her here!
Q: How did you and the treasurer decide who would fulfill this role?
A: The Executive Student Government Board talked about it and asked me if I was interested in it. I obviously said yes, to which they responded: do you have any ideas that you want to give us? After a rundown of ideas, they deemed me the most qualified for it and they just kind of put me in the position!
Q: Why was there no re-election for secretary?
A: It was already the second-half of the semester and Exec Student Government took over the secretary position, so there was no need to re-elect someone else because they just took over.
Q: What would define this semester as a success for you?
A: I wanna see more student spirit, more specifically for sports games, I think that we lack in that area. I would also just like to see more fun events offered and more student participation in those events. So if we have a couple of those this semester, I would consider the semester successful.
Q: What are some of your plans for the upcoming spring?
A: I am working right now with the Student Engagement Office on trying to bring food trucks back on campus during the weekends. I have also planned a color run that will happen in April, more info to come on that. I would like to promote student engagement, not the office, but overall students’ engagement with each other in events.
Q: Do you feel you have influence to- wards the EXEC Board as a class president?
A: I would think that because UCSG is set up in a way where you have the Exec Board and Class Officials, and it is really easy for class presidents and even the secretaries and treasurers to bring up an idea to them. Every idea is almost every time considered and thought about, they do a good job with critical thinking and listening to our ideas.
Q: How do you feel administration and student government relationship is?
A: I think that at times it can be very severed, but when things need to get done, especially when the administration reaches out to students because they genuinely want to care for them. So I would say that I think the relationship is going really great right now. Obviously when the students and admin find differing opinions, we cannot just tell them to do something because there are a lot of other factors that go into consideration. I feel like because of those reasons the student body often thinks that UCSG, the admin, directors do not get along; but they have so many other rules and things going on that make it hard.
Q: What are some of your biggest challenges?
A: I think one of the biggest challenges with student government is students do not recognize the power that they have. If students come together about issues, especially things they are passionate about, the school will listen to them.
Q: What else are you involved in on campus that you feel aid to your ability in a leadership role? A: I am a science scholar mentor and an Abele scholar mentor which allows me to be in a position of leadership that equips me well for handling student government. I am also a UC Ambassador and work for Tom McKinney [Director of Community Engagement and Student Programs], that allows me to have a good understanding of campus events.
Q: Do you want to run again?
A: Yes, I would do a lot of research and reach out in the summer to get some of my ideas going in the fall. More specifically, I would reach out to local businesses during the summer to try and get more of the local economy involved on campus. Especially with Missy Bryant’s talking about expanding Lower Wismer, if we were able to see some local businesses I would be interested in trying something like that.
Ava Compagnoni: avcompagnoni@ursinus.edu