Ava Compagnoni: avcompagnoni@ursinus.edu
Did you also create a body shaped imprint on your couch this winter break? Everyone always says their Netflix list is never-ending. When deciding between a show you’ve watched 100 times and something new, you never watch something new. I put a nice dent in my Netflix list this break, and here are my recommendations for you!
Ginny & Georgia – Season 2 just came out in the beginning of January and I finished it in one night. With only 10 episodes and my insane infatuation with the cast and plot, it is simply a can’t-turn-off show. There are cringey moments throughout the show, but sometimes that made it more comical than the writers intended it to be. There are a variety of gasp moments, as well as characters you will love/hate/and scream at your screen for. The ending of the first season was set up perfectly well for the second, and viewers can see with the ending of season two that it anticipates a third season to follow.
Triviaverse – One of the best trivia games I have been able to play at home in awhile. You can play by yourself, with another person, or create two teams. This is not a show at all, but the interactive options on Netflix have been some of my favorites to watch this break. The questions did not repeat after tens of games, either. The trivia questions had a variety of categories, some were very easy to answer, and some had terminology and country names I had never heard of. There were true or false questions, questions with four answer options, and questions with only two answer options. You did not have to type the answer in, it was multiple choice, but not as visually appealing as a standardized test, making it more exciting.
Down to Earth with Zac Efron – This show takes a new twist on a nature documentary. Efron gets down and dirty, quite literally. This is a series like no other that we have seen the adored Zac Efron star in. While he is not only traveling around the world visiting amazing locations the average person could only dream of visiting, he discusses prominent environmental issues the globe is suffering from. In the first season, Efron explores eight different countries, all with their own episode; in the second season, Efron specifically focuses on Australia.
Chef ’s Table – There are several series of this show, and it is one of the best food shows I have ever seen. The show has four different several-episode series including: the debut Chef’s Table, Pizza, France, and BBQ. It takes you through different chefs’ life stories and their restaurant upbringing. It is not a classic Food Network show with Julia Child showing you how to make a dessert trifle; nor is it a stressful game show with twists and turns. It elevates the simplicity of cooking and the love that chefs all over the world, with varying cuisines, have made for themselves.