Mold in Residence Halls causes Concern
Morgan Grabowski ( Many students were excited to move back to campus this fall. Some of those living in the basements of North/Richter were less excited to be greeted with mold growing in rooms, halls, and bathrooms. Sophomore Robert Ritchie, claims he noticed mold in the showers of his hall...
Dining Dollars Meal Plan Extended
Shelsea Deravil, On March 31, 2021, in an email sent to the student body, Ursinus College announced that it is extending the Dining Dollars Meal Plan for students who are on that meal plan only. As stated in the email, “ffective immediately, we are providing students on this meal...
Ursinus College Student Government and their email, “The Purpose of Break Days”
Marie Sykes, If there is anything the whole campus can agree on, it is that break days are no substitution for spring break, especially with this semester seeming like there is always some big project coming up after every break day. On March 30, the day before the second-to-last...
A Disturbing Night on Main Street
Marie Sykes Instead of relief for the weekend, what greeted the Ursinus student body last Friday afternoon was a group of protesters standing on the sidewalk along Main Street, hurling hateful slurs and verbal abuse. Before long, counter-protesters from the student body gathered on the Berman Lawn, attempting to...
“Do not be afraid” – letter from an alumni
Marisa Spiegel, Class of 2020 When I was an undergraduate student at Ursinus, I admit it was difficult getting used to a new environment. However, after four years of attending, I realized that it was a great experience. I try my best to give any students advice since I learned...
The celebration of Ursinus Black professors and staff
Shelsea Deravil ( Black History Month recognizes Black people who have made a lasting, influential impact in our society, and helps make room for the new trailblazers that come along the way. It is a time when black people can celebrate one another’s achievements or paths towards success. As we...
Student success is a priority to Ursinus Staff
Layla Halterman ( Ursinus College’s commitment to student success is no secret. Katie O’Brien, the associate director of the Institute for Student Success (ISS), and her team found that the need for academic coaching was growing the last few semesters and decided to take charge. The ISS offered a series...
Letter From Alumni
Ashley McComeskey Dear Current Bears, How are you guys holding up?! I can’t imagine being on campus in a pandemic, but from what I’ve seen and heard thus far, you are all doing an amazing job, so let me start by saying kudos for keeping each other safe and as...
PA Covid-19 Vaccine Update for Ursinus Students
Marie Sykes With both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna’s vaccines released but a limited number of doses administered, students at Ursinus are wondering when their turn will come. As university students live in a “congregate setting,” they are considered part of Pennsylvania’s “critical population” as outlined in the state’s Covid-19 Interim...