
The Canvas Commencement?

Kim Corona With the remainder of spring semester moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ursinus College is scrambling to figure out what to do regarding commencement for the class of 2020. Seniors of the college have expressed considerable disappointment about the loss of their traditional spring celebration, as...

Seniors sound off on Ursinus’ switch to online classes

Kevin Leon This Monday marked the beginning of online classes at Ursinus, as the school made a transition from regular, in-person meetings to a work-from-home-online model. While the switch is necessary for the safety of the greater community, it also meant the sudden and abrupt end of the senior...

Calling for nominations for faculty awards

Kim Corona Ursinus College is calling for its students to nominate faculty members for two prestigious awards that highlight their hard work, dedication, and commitment to the community, to be announced during this year’s Commencement. One of the two awards that will be presented is the Jones Award, given...

Talk on the role of women in campaign funding

Abigail Peabody Last week the department of Politics, International Relations, and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies, invited Dr. Jamil Scott to present on the role of women campaign funding groups in state politics, with a focus on black women. Dr. Scott is an Assistant professor in the Department of...

UC mourns the loss of Carol Williams

Luke Robles Earlier this month, Ursinus College said goodbye to a member of its community, Carol Williams, who lost a long, difficult battle with cancer. The former assistant to the registrar was only sixty. Her main responsibility in the registrar’s office was to audit records of all students at...

Musical “9 to 5” sells out Lenfest Theater

Gillian Mccomeskey This past weekend, Ursinus College Theater presented “9 to 5: The Musical” in the Kaleidoscope Performing Arts Center. The musical is an adaptation from the book written by Patricia Resnick. It’s set in 1979, and follows employees Violet, played by senior Claire Hughes, Doralee, played by first-year...

Spend a semester in Philadelphia

Gillian Mccomeskey Studying here on campus is a great way to improve your academic skills, but being able to go off-campus and into the city of Philadelphia provides rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a new perspective not only academics but on the world around them. Ursinus offers this...

College launches first mobile app

Luke Robles Last month, on Friday January 31st, Ursinus launched its first ever official phone app, MobileU(rsinus), available for download through the Apple app store and Google Play. The goal of the app is to create a mass messaging app for the Ursinus community that isn’t mass emails. Through...

UC hosts “The Vagina Monologues”

Kim Corona Last Saturday, Peer Advocates and Breakaway Productions hosted a benefit production of the play “The Vagina Monologues” written by American playwright and activist Eve Ensler. The monologues inspired Ensler to create “V-Day” a global activist movement to end gun violence against women and girls. The monologues are...