The Yap with Emily Veasey: #WomenInMaleFields
If you’ve been on TikTok recently, you might have seen the #WomenInMaleFields trend, where women joke about the “funny” things men do. Some of my personal favorites are, “Uber driver looked like he was having a rough day, so I told him he’d be much cuter if he...
PSA: Students’ Healthy Holidays
The holiday season is approaching, and with that comes the end of a perhaps grueling first semester of the 2024-25 academic year. For some, it will be a relief not to get up at 8 AM for classes and to get a reprieve from the Wismer food. However...
The Yap: A Recession of “Meet-Cute” Stories?
Imagine this: in twenty years, you’re asked how you met your partner. How many of us will say we met them online through an online app? For many people, this may be the new normal. While it’s not inherently a bad thing - tons of couples...
Trust the Science
Chiropractics. Detoxes. Carnivore diets. The world of health, mental and otherwise, is dense with “alternative medicines” that, when scrutinized, lack a scientific backbone; it is, of course, anyone’s choice to pursue these practices for themselves, and their freedom shouldn’t be infringed upon. However, an issue arises when those...
The Yap with Emily Veasey
Hello readers! I’m so excited to start an ongoing column where we can talk all things fashion, love, and sex–and overall have a good place to yap. For my first article, and in the spirit of the season, I want to talk about Halloween, but more importantly, the...
Ursinus First Impressions
Another fall semester at Ursinus means another batch of new first-year students getting to know the college. Students’ first impressions vary, but those whom I interviewed have mainly positive opinions about the college so far. Two first-years I interviewed had lower expectations of what their experience at Ursinus...
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Clamer Hall
I am going to say it: Clamer Hall is not that bad. If I heard myself say this at the start of the semester, I would’ve thought the new Wismer food was so bad it started messing with my head. Thankfully, this isn’t so. I genuinely...
Give Me My Money!
Student workers are everywhere on campus: at the library’s learning curve, at Cafe 2020, in your classes as TAs, and at the gym’s front desk. They are integral to our school community and deserve to be compensated in a timely manner. In an email sent by...
PSA: Flush the Toilet!
Flush the toilet. As college freshmen, I thought we would all know how to act in the restroom. To my shock and horror, I have discovered people still can’t flush their pee. This is ironic, given the many restrictions on what we can and can’t flush. We all...