
What renovations do you want to see in Lower Wismer?

Layla Halterman: lahalterman@ursinus.edu We surveyed Ursinus students about what renovations they would like to see in Lower Wismer: “A more modern look, a boba station, more healthy options, better convenience store (much bigger).” - Amelia ‘26 “More natural light, maybe some greenery and natural wood accents. It’d also be nice...

What will you miss about Ursinus?

Kate Horan: kahoran@ursinus.edu We asked students what they will miss about Ursinus after they graduate: “Meeting up for coffee in The Commons with my friends.” - Haleigh Olsen “Having all my closest people within walking distance! Leaving college and all going different places is something I am so not ready...

What is that building called?

Ava Compagnoni: avcompagnoni@ursinus.edu Helf, FLB, the Bakes, the Gym, Helferrich, the FieldHouse, Floy Lewis Bakes Center, the list goes on and on. Why are there so many different names for this one building? It serves many different purposes, the basketball gym, the strength and training gym, the sports medicine clinic...

Professor Yik Yak

We asked students what they think professors would post if they had a Yik Yak: “Is learning Excel really that hard?” - Dr. Henkel “Upvote this if you love Charles Dar- win as much as I do.”- Dr. R. Dawley “Why do my students constantly stare at me like I have...

Why You Should Join the Church of Scientology

Definitely not Tom Cruise: signyourlifeaway@scientology.org Disclaimer: this article was written for the April 1st issue and is a part of The Goofly. This Grizzly issue is satirical. Have you ever heard of Scientology? Well if you haven’t, then you’re definitely missing out. It’s a wonderful practice that comes with so...

Printing Woes at Ursinus

Printing has long been an essential resource in modern society, but recently, Ursinus College has fallen short in providing students with this service. Prior to our break, it feels like the only functioning printers on campus were located in the Library and in the FLB. While that covers a large...

Housing Selection Difficulties

Housing selection every Spring has always felt pretty chaotic for me, especially as a sophomore transfer. I remember my first time picking my room for SPINT/Affinity housing in Spring 2021. I was actually working at Cafe 2020 and had to ask for a break during a rush so I could...

Ursinus Spring Break Wrap-Up

We asked students to describe their Spring Break in three words: “Plenty of time”- Serena Rose Gaskin ‘23 “Not long enough”- Emily Thomas ‘25 “Way too short”- Destiny Young ‘24 “Productive, nurturing, and relaxing” - Renee Krier ‘26 “Relaxing, enjoyable, quick” - Gabrielle Revaitis ‘26 “Sun, connection, reflection” - Rachel...

What will seniors be doing after graduation?

“I’m moving to DC to work at the Department of State for two years. I’m looking forward to living in a new place and exploring a new city.” - Rachel Arthur “I will be taking a gap year to study and take my MCAT. Then, I will be applying to...