Tatiana Kent (takent@ursinus.edu)
Fall Break is only a couple of days away, and Ursinus students are looking forward to our first real time off since the year started. With midterms and course loads becoming more demanding, these four days of leisure can’t come soon enough.
I surveyed a random sampling of students to find out what Bears are planning and looking forward to this long weekend. Read on!
“I’m flying home to San Francisco, and then road tripping up to Portland, Oregon, and back; then flying back to Philly. My sister goes to school in Portland…so I’m going to visit my sister and hang out with my mom and then be back in the Bay Area for a couple days to see my family.” – Rachel ‘23
“Seeing my family and having time to relax and not worry about doing homework.” – Terry ‘23
“I’m looking forward to fall break because that’s the start of our first basketball practices, so I won’t get to go home, but I’ll be here starting up the season.” – McKenna ‘26
“I am looking forward to catching up on some sleep.” – Emily ‘23
“I’m looking forward to doing my observation hours in a high school for my education class. I’m going to be observing calculus and creative writing.” – Maddie ‘25
“I’m looking forward to having a chance to relax and not worry about work for a few days.” – Sam ‘25
“I don’t really have any plans, except hopefully relaxing, getting a break from schoolwork, eating my mom’s good food, and hanging out with my dogs.” – Mattie ‘23
“I plan on going home, spending time with my family, relaxing, and just getting a break from a heavy course load.” – Tori ‘24
“I’m looking forward to going down to Margate City, near Atlantic County [of New Jersey].” – Noah ‘26
“I’m excited for fall break so I can spend time with my family.” – Tyler, ‘26
“I’m looking forward to going home and spending time with my parents, because I haven’t seen them in a little while.” – Aaron ‘25
“I’m looking forward to visiting one of my friends from high school and seeing Rocky Horror Picture Show with her.” – Rileigh ‘24
“I’m looking forward to going home over fall break and getting to see my friends from home, and family that I haven’t seen in a little while.” – Alex ‘23
“I’m just going to be working at Wawa.” – Zoe ‘24
“I’m going to be backpacking with a friend…just kind of in the middle of nowhere, in the forest.” – Adrian ‘23