Wellness Center Explains New Regulations

Morgan Grabowski, mograbowski@ursinus.edu

Courtesy of ursinus.edu

The Wellness Center provides both medical and mental health services to any student who seeks these resources. However, just like many other facilities on campus, changes have been made to accommodate for the pandemic. An emphasis has been placed on these resources being accessible to students in need, while also following social distancing guidelines and maintaining a safe, clean environment for everyone. Dr. Lauren Finnegan, the director of Counseling and Wellness, and Dr. Paul Doghramji, the Medical Director, have shared some of the changes the Wellness Center has undergone. The first big change that the Wellness Center has made is ending walkin visits. Appointments can be made ahead of time by contacting the Wellness Center either by phone, at (610)409- 3100, or by email at wellness@ursinus.edu. Dr. Doghramji stressed the importance of making appointments so that there were “no congregations in the waiting room.” Only one student will be allowed in the center at a time. They will have to buzz in and have their temperature checked by Wellness Center Coordinator, Ellen Macionsky. Medical appointments are available 9am to 7pm on weekdays. Another big change is the option of telehealth calls. Instead of coming into the clinic, students can call and determine the best course of action from there. Zoom will be utilized for those seeking counseling. Dr. Finnegan states that the Wellness Center is “committed to providing the same services that we did pre-pandemic, including individual therapy, group therapy, crisis consultations, and outreach programming.” The Crisis Hour will also be virtual this year, occuring every weekday from 2pm to 3pm. Students who do not have a private place to meet virtually with a counselor can rent a “zoom-room” through their therapist or through the front desk. The Wellness Center is taking precautions in dealing with students experiencing COVID19-related symptoms. Dr. Finnegan says “We have an entirely new set of procedures to bring the student in safely while minimizing any possible exposures to other students and staff.” Along with additional staff, the Wellness Center is using the Old Heart Lab as an exam area for any suspected COVID-19 patients. n The Wellness Center is working hard to ensure the safety of the students and staff who utilize it. The staff urges students to read the weekly Wellness Newsletters they put out, which cover topics that are pertinent to the student body. The Wellness Center is also preparing for a flu shot event in the coming weeks, and wants to remind students of how important it is to get your flu shot and stay healthy this winter. As changes continue to arise, the Wellness Center is working hard to stay available for students who may need their help. Be on the lookout for updates on the constant changes that may happen during this uncertain time.