“Now batting for the Ursinus College Bears, number 21, Alex Mumme.”
Michael Stanziale mistanziale@ursinus.edu Mumme steps into the box for his first at-bat of his final year for the Bears. Last year as a junior, Mumme was named first-team All-American and looks to maintain his status of being one of the best outfielders in the country. Here we go folks; the...
Coronavirus is another obstacle on the comeback trail for pitcher Nick DeFeo
Vince Sposato visposato@ursinus.edu "Pop." Nick DeFeo knew something wasn't right after hearing this noise while throwing a curveball on his first day of spring practice for Ursinus baseball in 2018. Just to be sure, he threw another fastball despite the discomfort in his arm. It traveled 5 feet then hit the...
Lazer’s historic start cut short
Jake Supran jasupran@ursinus.edu This was Heather Lazer’s year to cement herself as Ursinus Softball royalty. The junior infielder was on pace to sit on the Mount Rushmore of Ursinus Softballers. Lazer had already earned her place in the Ursinus College softball lineup as an everyday starter. Coming in as a...
Covid infects Ursinus’ record books
Jake Supran jasupran@ursinus.edu Once in while you hear someone say, “records are meant to be broken.” Well it’s true, they are. Usually. Ursinus’ class of 2020 had three athletes who solidified themselves as school greats, some of the best to ever play their sports here. Alex Mumme has broken several...
Gymnast grapples with her lost season
Skylar Haas skhaas@ursinus.edu It’s 10:55am, the Thursday of Spring Break. Hailey DiCicco is getting ready for gymnastics practice scheduled for 11:30AM when her coach sends out an urgent message: “Let’s meet at 11:00 team. Get there when you can.” COVID-19 was becoming a more prominent part of our lives, but...
Ursinus seniors’ careers end abruptly
Jake McCain jamccain@ursinus.edu Senior Dom Fiorentino steps to the plate during a spring training game, and crushes the ball over the fence, the second of back-to-back homers for the Bears. He didn’t know it would be one of his last home runs as a college baseball player. One of the...
Lacrosse dominates, briefly
Ellie LaFountain ellafountain@ursinus.edu Although the Men’s Lacrosse Team had to stay on campus over spring break this year, they made a great showing in their games and finished their season undefeated. The Bears played in two home games over the week in March when other Ursinus teams were training in...
Ursinus Baseball is ready for the new season
Ellie LaFountain ellafountain@ursinus.edu The Ursinus College Baseball team is gearing up for their season. The Bears are ranked 7th in the Centennial Conference preseason poll and will look to improve on their 2019 (18-18) season with eight returning starters, a strong group of pitchers and leadership from their impressive senior...
Men’s Lax can count on Bobby McClure scoring goals
Jake Supran jasupran@ursinus.edu When you hear somebody being called a “GOAT,” you usually think of Lebron James or Tom Brady. How about Bobby McClure? McClure may have become the best scorer Ursinus College lacrosse has ever seen after the Bears 15-10 win over Mary Washington. This past Saturday, the #12...