
November Editor’s Note

Layla M. Halterman ( Dear Ursinus Family,  Growing up, Thanksgiving dinner never made my mouth water. I avoided turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes like the plague. As a proud Jersey native that fist pumps on the regular, I'd rather stuff my face with delicious thin crust pizza. But I have...

Insect Intruders in New Hall

Sean McGinley ( If you live in New Hall, perhaps you have experienced or heard about the recent stink bug problem. The bugs have now been identified officially by Ehrlich Pest Control, a pest control company called in by Ursinus, as Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs. These bugs are found commonly...

New Trees Planted at the Food Forest

Evan Stinson (  A “Welcome to Your Food Forest” banner sat in front of the rows of trees and busy volunteers digging through mulch and clay. Just like anything else, trees need space to grow, and that meant digging wider holes than one would expect. The hard work of the...

Office Hours with President Jill Marsteller

Ashley Webster ( President Jill Marsteller started as the interim president of Ursinus College on September 1. Marsteller aims to create an Ursinus community where there is open and transparent communication between herself and the students. This has prompted her to start a program called “Office Hours with President Jill...

Get to Know the Collegeville Mayoral Candidates

Marie Sykes ( With Collegeville's mayoral election on November 2, now is the perfect time to meet the candidates, current mayor, Dr. Aidsand F. Wright-Riggins III, and retired Collegeville police sergeant and Ursinus alumnus, Bruce Penuel '74. The following all are their quoted answers to the questions. Why Did You...

Main Street Suffers Parking Availability Issues

Brooke Hurley (  The vibrant town of Collegeville is in full swing. There are lots of people around and with them, lots of cars. That means fewer parking spaces, and nowhere is the scarcity more pronounced than on Main Street. For students who live there, the availability of parking...

Bears Battle Common Cold

Kathy Logan ( Ursinus students were excited about living on campus once again this fall and enjoy a less restrictive COVID environment. However, they were welcomed by various other diseases.  It’s always an adjustment when living in close quarters, and many students have been fighting the common cold early this...

Single Room Scarcity

Brooke Hurley ( How should we live together? Or how should we NOT live together? Sharing a room with another individual, whether someone you choose or someone randomly assigned, can be hard. A cramped space, a balance of different schedules, and a lack of alone time, can all be difficult...

Redrawing Democracy, and Gerrymandering

Evan Stinson ( Gerrymandering is one of those non-self-explanatory words that sounds more like a place than something anyone would do. It’s also a concept that many students didn’t fully understand until Monday, September 13th.  Olivia Negro ’23 organized an event titled Redraw Democracy which was held that day in...